Winter is officially here now! Usually this means a combination of gym time, chlorine ingestion, treadmills and spinning bikes until Spring. This year however, will be different. Instead of an “off season” triathlon training regimen, this winter will be focused on “in season” snowboarding training. I believe the primal way is universal, and instead of swimming, biking, and running all year round, I want to stay in the present and make myself a stronger rider. Snowboarding is a blast but can be even better if you can ride all out, all day. Plus, more strength and endurance means maximizing the investment that is a lift ticket nowadays.
Thursday – POSE Snowboarding at Cannon Mountain (the home of the late Old Man of the Mountain). While most knuckle-draggers are out there lining up the next hit in the park, I’m thinking about working with gravity and using momentum to determine how and when to turn to maximize my speed…if I had known I’d be riding like this 10 years ago I probably would’ve taken even more risks! It’s cool, I’ll shred like an old bull and keep all my joints connected! The 2nd half of the day I felt fresh, efficient and will keep playing with this idea for the next few trips…
Tuesday – Pargnar Strength WoD
Warmup: kettlebell complex of one arm swings, high pulls, squat clean/thrusters, snatches x 2. Over/under hurdles. Burpees.
Deadlift: all sets of 3 using perfect rep method @ 195, 205, 225, 235, 255, 275, 285, 295, 305×5
Press: 75, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135×2, 135×3
Then 3 supersetted rounds of:
Pullups 12, 12, 12 (last two broken up)
Pistols 12, 12, 12
Dips 12, 12, 12
Trying something different PWO…kept an 18 hour fast going for another 6 hours afterwards. It was easier than fasting after a sprint WOD and I stayed busy to keep the mind off the (medium intensity) hunger pangs. Felt very light and clean during this time and ended it with a loaded omelette.
This WOD was no different than a typ strength session but it definitely translates to the slopes. The only real difference was the pistols. I’ll be incorporating more unilateral work and core movements during the dog days of winter…when they’re over I’ll have less practice for the course but more fun on (and sometimes off) the trail.
She kinda looks like a mountain woman…