Since the sand dunes are frozen (although I will get there this winter), I chose the infamous Crestwood Road Hill for a sprint WOD. This hill has tested me for most of my life! From walking, roller blading, biking, and now sprinting, it’s one of my favorite spots to get the HR up and the lactic acid flowing. With the vibrams strapped on a brisk sunny day, I set out to conquer the stretch of pavement that has humbled me for years!
Each uphill effort takes 1 minute or more. The hill starts off pretty easy but hits a wall at the mid-point. Warmed up with a hyper and often distracted dog for about 5 min, then…
After round 1 – lungs burning
After round 2 – thinking about quitting
After round 3 – convinced quitting is the right thing to do…
How does this translate to snowboarding? Well booking uphill works the calves, glutes, quads, lungs and one’s will. All required for performance on the slopes. Plus, since my I lost feeling in my toes between rounds 1&2, I feel that also prepares me to endure a little inevitable discomfort.