Fitness Blog


So Fun I Forgot to be Sore!

Here’s another addition to the “nothing better than a RI summer” file.  Friday night was rainy and gray but stood no chance at deterring me from sailing away to Block Island for Round 2 of care free times.  Since the legs were still a little heavy from hitting the sand dunes with the Bold R Dashteam, I just wanted to leisurely ride to a secluded beach and have a lazy Saturday.

Found my way to West Beach or “Dump Beach” since it’s near the transfer station.  Maybe that nickname keeps people away because I was literally the only person on the roughly one mile stretch of sand and rocks.  Started out with a leisurely stroll then worked in some POSE yogging and eventually some all out short sprints.  I’m noticing lately that since I’m trying to be aware of my technique in any kind of movement (running, sprinting, swimming, etc.), I consider doing that movement as “practice” and not “exercise”.  This just sounds easier on the body and also helps me justify physical activity when I’m a little sore or not fresh enough to get a workout in.  But I digress…

With warm legs and plenty of natural exercise apparatuses available, I just couldn’t let em be ignored.  In no specific order, here’s what went down:

All out beach sprints

Trail running down random path

Random beach post climbs then close grip dips

Balance work and pistols on huge piece of random driftwood that was cantilevered over a mini dune

OH Log carries

Running up the sides of mini bluffs like a summer bordercross course

One final round of mini bluff quarterpipe runs, all out sprint, 20 decline pushups

Cooldown – lazy swim in Block Island Sound


Woke up Sunday morning with a sore chest and calves.  Basically forgot all that fun on the beach was pretty damn physically demanding!  Chalk up another benefit to active relaxation.  Headed to Warwick’s own Little Pond for an outdoor personal training session.  My client has his first sprint triathlon in 2 weeks so we “practiced” open water swimming and some of the essential skills for a successful 1st leg.  Since we were out in the pond, I couldn’t exactly coach him from the pool deck.  Not sure how many nautical miles we covered but it was effective in working out some soreness and getting my own practice in.  Fast forward 6 hours or so and met up with my fiancee and family in Narragansett for a post bachelorette beach day.  After arriving and realizing I was the only male in their quadron, I did what any respectable man would and got the hell out of there!  They say energy begets energy.  While true, so does the desire to escape akward situations!  Threw on the goggles again and got some salt water reps in.  Then it was time to practice some passive relaxation!