Semi-planned Reverse Pyramid Day – 1/10/12
WU: n/a
Deadlift: 371×3, 349×5, 319×9
Press: 150×2, 135×6, 24kg x 10L, 12R
All above sets were all-out grunting efforts with plenty of rest in between.
Unplanned Reverse Pyramid Day – 1/5/12
WU: none
Deadlift – 349×5, 339×5, 319×7, 275×10, 225×12
Weighted Dips – 88#x3, 79×5, 70×7, 53×8, 35×10
Cooldown: Real Deal Kettlebell Complex @ 16kg
Probably overdid it here. It was my first experience with reverse pyramid training so I just went with how I was feeling. It was a good day but then the next couple required some serious rest.
Typ Strength Workout – 1/3/12
WU: joint mobility, Long cycle with 2×16 kg KBs x 20 reps
Back Squat – 135×5, 185×5, 225, 245, 267, 285, 305×3
Weighted Pullups – 40#, 44#, 53#, 28kg, 28kg x 3, then 32kg x 4 with 3 fingers on the Rock Rings
This was a standard “work-your-way up” workout. It works but I’ll be workin in reverse for the foreseeable future.
Casterboard – to and fro the new residential digs and LbF world headquarters. Approx. 1/2 mile each way x 2. Since there’s no snow round these parts, it’s somewhat satisfying the winter riding jones I’m developing.
Rope Install/Test – bought this a little while back and finally got some time to set it up. I researched knots but then ended up just doing my own thing. So far so good! This is a brutally effective and humbling way to develop grip strength and practice climbing technique!
Bain Middle School – while researching potential outdoor locations for the Tough Mudder Training Program, I stopped by one of my favorite local parks. The sun was shining and although I was in my work clothes (as in construction), I went sans shoes and socks for a quick 1/4 mile loop that consisted of muscle-ups (8 consecutive which is a PR), hurdling park benches, monkey bar practice, balance beam “laps”, and an all-out sprint. This took about 3 minutes.
Skill Practice – fortunately I have a few clients who are open to the POSE technique of running which allows me to practice my form while instructing them. We got out a few times and even did some barefooted practice in a local field – in the middle of the winter!