This year, we couldn’t count the number of things we’re thankful for on two hands. We’re thankful for our team of trainers and our crew of clients — the family, friends and characters that inspire us to spread health, fitness and mental toughness in the workplace, on the obstacle course and in real life. What are some of the things, big and small, that the LbF community is thankful for this year? Read on to find out.
“I’m thankful for the camaraderie of Laid-back Fitness, the patience of the LbF staff (that goes a long way when you’re new and trying out various skills for the first time) and stepping outside of my comfort zone.”
— Briana W., Neuty Osa
“I’m thankful for all of the new techniques I’ve learned, the personal health and fitness goals I’ve been able to set and achieve and, most importantly, the new friends and teammates I’ve made!”
— Justin M., Neuty Oso
“I’m thankful for my strength (I’ve never been so strong!), for the incredible family we have all become at LbF and for being pushed to my limits and out of my comfort zone. Who would have thought I would do a Spartan Beast and even sign up for another one?”
— Nicole J., Neuty Osa
“I’m thankful for the fellowship of Laid-back Fitness, building mental strength by taking cold showers and waking up ‘before the enemy’ two times a week at the 5:30 a.m.. class.”
— Bobby R., Neuty Oso
“I’m thankful for my LbF family — I never thought I could find such an amazing group of individuals who support each other and push each other to be better. I’m thankful for the strength and confidence to be pushed into trying new things with my fellow Osos. Lastly, I’m thankful for the LbF team — Ryan, Zak, Will, Denise and Erin — who have made me a stronger and more balanced individual.”
— Alicia B., Neuty Osa
“I’m thankful for the friends, motivators and sources of encouragement at Laid-back Fitness, ‘Los Neuty Osos’ (a fun group to ‘embrace the suck’ with), and for learning a completely new way to work out with Sensei Ryan, Zak, Erin, Will and Denise!”
— Andy M., Neuty Oso
“I’m thankful for the new friends I’ve made! I’m also thankful for all the clients who make my job so enjoyable and make me grateful to be someone in their lives that can contribute to helping better themselves each day. I’m also thankful for the primal challenge and diet, which has changed my health, energy and my happiness. Most of all, I’m grateful for the opportunity I have to watch LbF and this community grow.”
— Denise V., LbF trainer
“First, I am thankful for the training and support to complete what two years ago I thought was the most insane, ridiculous and impossible race on the planet — Killington Spartan Beast! Second, I’m thankful for the motivation to push past any physical limit I could even fathom over the past year of training. Lastly and most importantly, I’m thankful for the new family of badass humans that I respect more than most anyone on the planet!! I am a better and more grateful person because of the LbF family.”
— Corey B., Neuty Oso
“I’m thankful for all of the times I got my butt kicked at the Sand Dunes, at Neuty and in the Studio/Jungle. I’m thankful for the lessons each of those workouts taught me — that whatever we set our minds to we can achieve, and that sometimes we’ve got more gas in the tank than we think. I’m thankful that LbF can help everyone — no matter their fitness level, age, occupation or goals — to grow mentally and physically. Best of all, I’m thankful for the brave, ass-kicking souls of the LbF community that inspire me inside and outside the gym!”
— Ali M., Neuty Osa
“I am thankful for the incredible training that has made me stronger, faster and healthier in my life. I’m thankful for being pushed to limits I didn’t know I could overcome, and for the wonderful people who I get to share life-changing moments with. YOU ALL ARE BADASS. So grateful Corey sucked me into such a great group of people.”
— Kevin “Chefy” D., Neuty Oso
“I’m thankful I can say that I love my job and the people who come along with it. I’m thankful for the people that push me outside my comfort zone, helping to make me a mentally and physically strong human, and for people that are such thankful saps!”
— Erin P., LbF trainer
“I’m thankful for attracting/retaining/being with the ‘right’ people at the gym, the external motivation to lead by example which carries far beyond the physical, and the purpose I find in my work thanks to comments like the ones above.”
— Ryan M., LbF Founder & President