It’s been a while (again) but I haven’t forgotten about you! In fact, there’s been a lot brewing behind the scenes. While not complete yet, LBF is expanding…
We’ve relocated to a much larger space at BFC. The approx 800 sf of open play area will hold new “equipment” and allow for some crazy obstacle course oriented WODs. Keep your eyes peeled on facebook for some picture and video updates!
Also, RI is jumping on the adventure race bandwagon with the Inagural Bold R Dash at Yawgoo Valley. I’ll be leading a team into battle on race day and will be doing a 7 week prep course for those interested in some hill and obstacle training and a RI-scaled challenge in August. You’ve seen the sand dune posts, the brown st park wods, and the urban snowboarding experience – so join the crew as we attack those three spots prior to owning the slopes of mighty Yawgoo. We’ll be racing as a unit and no dasher will be left behind!